Bringing the Arts to Walker County
Coming from Gamble Park:
Take a left Turn on to 14th Street, at the Bevill State Community College Sign.
After Wade Math & Science Building, Take a right, at the stop sign, onto Indiana Ave.
Walker County Arts Alliance office will be the 2nd building on the Right.
The Walker County Arts Alliance (WCAA) is a 501(c)-3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote arts, artists, and culture in the Walker County area. WCAA provides educational opportunities in visual arts, pottery, music, storytelling, and DreamFit dance in Walker County schools. WCAA organizes Jasper’s Art in the Park arts festival, the 50 Mule Team public art project (now with over 75 mules), summer art camps, art workshops, theater productions, summer outdoor concerts with the Bankhead House & Heritage Center, and ongoing Focus on Art shows which pair an artist with a local business to display their work. We have enjoyable fundraising events like the Downtown Block Party and the Art Party.
Arts Alliance Goals
· To support and develop arts in Walker County and to integrate artistic activities into the
total life of the community.
· To identify and encourage existing artists, projects, and folk traditions through the
exchange of ideas and resources.
· To establish and maintain a partnership with federal, state, and local arts agencies and
funding sources.
· To enhance accessibility to artistic expression to all people in Walker County by
developing community arts center(s), arts education in public schools, and community
arts events.
· To serve the people of Walker County by enhancing the public’s appreciation for and
awareness of the arts as an expression of the best of the human spirit.
Thank You

Funding provided, in part, by a grant from the Alabama State Council on the Arts in Partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts.